Molybdenite Re-Os Geochronology and S, Pb Isotopic Characteristics of Banchang Copper Polymetallic Deposit in Neixiang, Henan Province
摘要: 板厂铜多金属矿床是东秦岭造山带近年来找矿取得重大突破的一处以铜为主的多金属矿床,其上部发育脉状铜铅锌银矿化,下部发育铜钼矿化.通过对矿石中辉钼矿开展Re-Os同位素定年、对花岗岩进行锆石U-Pb定年,结合硫化物的硫、铅同位素特征,讨论了矿床的成矿时代、矿床成因及成矿动力学背景.6件辉钼矿Re-Os模式年龄为149.8±2.4 Ma~151.5±2.3 Ma,加权平均年龄为150.7±1.9 Ma,等时线年龄为151.0±4.6 Ma,显示成矿作用发生于晚侏罗世.矿区南部纸坊沟花岗斑岩体的锆石U-Pb年龄为148±1 Ma,说明区域上存在成矿期的花岗岩浆活动.11件硫化物硫同位素δ34SV-CDT值介于-1.2‰~1.2‰,显示深源岩浆硫的特征,206Pb/204Pb值为17.178~17.709,207Pb/204Pb值为15.430~15.528,208Pb/204Pb值为37.476~37.847,与北秦岭燕山期花岗岩和南秦岭地壳基底具一致的铅同位素组成,明显不同于北秦岭地层的铅同位素,成矿物质来源于燕山期岩浆岩.结合矿床地质特征,研究表明板厂铜多金属矿床为与燕山期岩浆有关的类矽卡岩型-热液脉型铜多金属矿床,属岩浆热液成矿系统,形成于岩石圈减薄的构造背景.Abstract: A great breakthrough has been achieved in prospecting in Banchang copper polymetallic deposit, East Qinling orogenic belt in recent years, which is characterized by obvious mineralization zoning in the mining area. The Cu, Pb, Zn and Ag mineralizations are developed in the upper part, and the Cu and Mo mineralizations are located in the lower part of the mining area. With Re-Os isotopic dating of molybdenite, LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of granite rocks, sulfur and lead isotopic tracing of metal sulfide, the metallogenic time, ore genesis and metallogenic dynamic setting of the deposit are discussed in this study. Re-Os model ages of six molybdenite samples are 149.8±2.4 Ma to 151.5±2.3 Ma, with the weighted average age of 150.7±1.9 Ma and isochron age of 151.0±4.6 Ma, indicating that the metallogenic epoch was Late Jurassic. The zircon U-Pb age of Zhifanggou granite porphyry which is located to the south of Banchang deposit is 148±1 Ma, indicating that magmatic activities occurred during the metallogenic period. Eleven δ34SV-CDT values for sulfides range from -1.2‰ to +1.2‰, and the values are interpreted to reflect a deep magmatic source of the sulfur. In addition, the results show that 206Pb/204Pb values range from 17.178 to 17.709, 207Pb/204Pb values range from 15.430 to 15.528 and 208Pb/204Pb values range from 37.476 to 37.847, which are similar to lead isotope values of Yanshan Period granites in North Qinling and the crustal basement of South Qinling but very different from lead isotope values of the North Qinling strata. It is concluded that Banchang copper polymetallic deposit belongs to skarn-like type-hydrothermal vein type deposit which is related to Yanshannian magmatic activity, and it formed in the lithospheric thinning setting of East Qinling.
图 3 板厂矿区矿石和赋矿围岩显微照片
Fig. 3. Microphotographs of ore minerals and host rocks
图 6 板厂铜多金属矿207Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb (a)和208Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb (b)比值图解
Fig. 6. 207Pb/204Pb vs. 206Pb/204Pb diagram (a) and 208Pb/204Pb vs. 206Pb/204Pb diagram (b) of Banchang copper polymetallic deposit
图 7 板厂铜多金属矿矿石铅同位素Δβ-Δγ成因判别图解
1.地幔源铅;2.上地壳铅;3.上地壳与地幔混合的俯冲带铅(3a.岩浆作用;3b.沉积作用);4.化学沉积型铅;5.海底热水作用铅;6.中深变质作用铅;7.深变质下地壳铅;8.造山带铅;9.古老页岩上地壳铅;10.退变质铅.Δβ=[β/βM(t)- 1]×1 000;Δγ=[γ/γM(t)- 1]×1 000,式中β,γ为测定值,βM(t),γM(t)为t时的地幔值,t均取151 Ma
Fig. 7. Δβ-Δγ diagram of genetic classification by lead isotopes of ores from Banchang deposit
表 1 板厂铜多金属矿Re-Os同位素组成
Table 1. Re-Os isotope compositions of molybdenite from Banchang deposit
样品编号 样重(g) Re(10-9) 普Os(10-9) 187Re(10-9) 187Os(10-9) 模式年龄(Ma) 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 Re1/BC 0.003 12 73 295 547 0.140 3 0.111 2 46 067 344 115.7 0.8 150.5 2.1 Re2/BC 0.003 04 110 589 1 060 1.651 7 0.328 2 69 507 666 175.2 2.5 151.1 3.0 Re3/BC 0.003 16 105 493 850 0.003 3 0.469 3 66 305 534 165.7 1.5 149.8 2.4 Re4/BC 0.010 49 103 550 1 134 0.001 9 0.033 0 65 083 713 164.0 1.1 151.1 2.5 Re5/BC 0.003 00 106 772 1 052 0.571 3 0.111 8 67 109 661 168.4 1.1 150.4 2.3 Re6/BC 0.003 00 96 238 920 0.571 3 0.542 9 60 488 579 152.8 1.0 151.5 2.3 表 2 板厂矿区矿石单矿物硫同位素组成
Table 2. Sulfur isotope compositions of sulfide from Banchang deposit
样品号 矿物名称 δ34SV-CDT(‰) S1/BCPD1 黄铜矿 0.2 S2/BCPD1 黄铜矿 0.1 S3/BCPD2 黄铜矿 1.1 S4/BCPD2 黄铜矿 1.2 B4/BCPD1 黄铜矿 0.5 S1/BCPD1 黄铁矿 0.8 S2/BCPD1 黄铁矿 0.5 S3/BCPD2 黄铁矿 0.7 B4/BCPD1 黄铁矿 0.3 B4/BCPD1 方铅矿 -1.2 S2/BCPD1 方铅矿 -0.8 表 3 板厂铜多金属矿床硫化物铅同位素组成表
Table 3. Lead isotope compositions of sulfide from Banchang deposit
样品编号 矿物名称 206Pb/204Pb 207Pb/204Pb 208Pb/204Pb 资料来源 S1/BCPD1 黄铁矿 17.225 15.517 37.736 ① S2/BCPD1 黄铜矿 17.709 15.528 37.760 ① S2/BCPD1 黄铁矿 17.207 15.461 37.566 ① S3/BCPD2 黄铜矿 17.251 15.427 37.493 ① S3/BCPD2 黄铁矿 17.247 15.43 37.476 ① S4/BCPD2 黄铜矿 17.553 15.487 37.847 ① B4/BCPD1 方铅矿 17.178 15.447 37.523 ① 二郎坪群(6) 17.770~18.669 15.449~15.802 38.285~39.131 ② 秦岭群(11) 17.781~19.099 15.463~15.733 38.053~39.418 ②、③、④ 武当群(5) 17.411~17.669 15.449~15.500 37.457~37.904 ④、⑤ 耀岭河群(1) 17.634 15.472 38.320 ⑤ 北秦岭燕山期花岗岩(7) 17.508~17.865 15.430~15.553 37.553~38.160 ③、⑤ 注:①作者本次测试;②据张静等(2009);③据 Zhang et al.(1996) ;④据Xu and Han(1996);⑤据张宏飞等(1997). -
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