Current Status and Challenges for Three-Dimensional Deep Seismic Survey in the South China Sea
摘要: 获取深部速度结构是认识南海形成演化模式的基础.海底地震仪(OBS)二维与三维深地震探测技术是获取深部速度结构最成功的方法之一.OBS三维探测结果揭示:西南次海盆横跨残留扩张脊两侧洋壳不对称增生的速度结构特征;东部次海盆具有4种不同洋壳类型的速度结构;珍贝-黄岩海山链是在海盆停止扩张后6~10 Ma岩浆活动形成的;东沙隆起区显示了张裂期后的岩浆活动及其上涌通道;南海东北部马尼拉俯冲带前缘是受到张裂期后岩浆活动影响的减薄陆壳.IODP367-368钻探区实施的OBS三维探测将以建立南海洋陆转换带(COT)张裂-破裂机制模型为科学目标.OBS三维探测方法在南海各向异性、岩浆活动、形成演化等方面将继续发挥着不可替代的作用.Abstract: The deep velocity structures are the basis for building the formation and revolution of the South China Sea (SCS). Two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) OBS surveys are successful technique to acquire the deep seismic structures. The results from 3D OBS surveys in the SCS have enhanced the knowledge for theoretical concepts. In the Southwest sub-basin, the asymmetrical velocity structures have been presented across the extinct spreading ridge (ESR) due to the development of detachment faults. In the central part of the east sub-basin, four types of crust have been defined:thin oceanic crust (< 5 km); typical oceanic crust (5-6 km); thick oceanic crust hosting post-spreading volcanoes ( > 6 km) with significant intrusive roots; and thick oceanic crust with enhanced spreading features ( > 6 km) but without significant roots. The post-spreading volcanoes (Zhenbei-Huangyan seamounts chain) were formed 6-10 Ma ago during a N-S tensional episode, several millions of years after seafloor spreading ceased in the SCS, and emplaced where the crust was the weakest, might have been influenced by the Hainan plume activity through a buoyancy-driven partial melting mechanism. The study on Dongsha uplift highlights magmatic activities through upwelling channels after rifting ceasing. The velocity structure in the Manila subduction zone (northeastern SCS) shows the nature of the crust and its relationship with the Manila subduction slab. A 3D OBS survey will be carried out in 2018 in the area of the IODP Legs 367-368, aiming at building a model of lithospheric rifting and breakup mechanism in the continent-ocean-transition (COT) zone of the SCS. The joint 2D and 3D survey method will play a major role in the understanding of the SCS geodynamics by integrating IODP drilling results with information on the deep structures.
图 2 南海西南次海盆OBS三维深地震探测图(a),T1测线二维速度结构模型(b)及地质解释模型(c)
图a对应于图 1中的红色方框1, 红色圆圈为OBS台站,白色为丢失OBS台站,黑色线段为放炮测线.图c据Zhang et al.(2016)修改
Fig. 2. The three-dimensional deep seismic survey carried out in the southwestern subbasin of the SCS (a), the two-dimensional velocity model along T1 seismic line (b) and its geological model reference (c)
图 3 南海东部次海盆OBS三维深地震探测图(a)及横穿珍贝-黄岩海山链的三维速度切片解释模型(b)
图a对应于图 1中的红色方框2,红色圆圈为OBS台站,白色为丢失OBS台站,黄色为没有数据台站,黑色线段为放炮测线; 图b据Wang et al.(2016)修改,图中白色五角星为IODP349航次U1431站位,PSVR代表扩张停止后岩浆活动岩脊
Fig. 3. The three-dimensional deep seismic survey carried out in the eastern sub-basin of the SCS (a), and the slice interpretation extracted from three-dimensional velocity model across Zhenbei-Huangyan seamounts chain (b)
图 4 南海东沙隆起区OBS三维深地震探测图(a)及东沙陆坡海山分布(b)
图a对应于图 1中的方框3, 红色圆圈为OBS台站,黑色线段为放炮测线; 图b中红色椭圆表明海山椭圆的底部,黑色线表明东沙陆坡上的4条海山链,据Fan et al.(2017a, 2017b)修改
Fig. 4. The three-dimensional deep seismic survey carried out in 2014 in the Dongsha Uplift of the northeaster SCS (a) and the seamounts identified in the Dongsha slope (b)
图 5 南海巴士海峡OBS三维深地震探测位置
对应于图 1中的红色方框4, 白色圆圈为OBS台站,黄色线段为放炮测线.图中红色线段为2015年采集的二维深地震测线OBS2015-2
Fig. 5. The three-dimensional deep seismic survey carried out in the front of Manila subduction slab
图 6 南海IODP367-368钻探区OBS三维深地震探测部署
对应于图 1中的红色方框IODP, 图中红色方框为OBS三维探测区,黄色圆圈为四分量OBS站位,黑色线为项目实施的放炮测线,其中L1、L2和H1、H2为4条二维主测线,各布置13台OBS,其余为辅助放炮测线;粉红色线和橘色方框为中海油采集的长缆深反射剖面(包括2002DSRP测线)和三维反射工作区;红色五角星为IODP367-368航次钻探站位(1499,1500,1501,1502和1504);橘色方块为ODP184和IODP349航次站位
Fig. 6. The three-dimensional deep seismic survey (red square) will be carried out in the IODP area of Legs 367-368
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