High Quality Reservoirs Characteristics and Forming Mechanisms of Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Sediments in the Bozhong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin
摘要: 陆相断陷湖盆中混积岩储层勘探不断突破,使之成为一类新的优质储层而备受沉积学家关注.以渤海湾盆地渤中凹陷沙河街组一段、二段混积岩为研究对象,通过已钻遇混积岩岩心的储层沉积学及元素地球化学分析,揭示了混积岩储层特征及其成因机理.研究表明以陆源碎屑为主和以生物碎屑为主的混积岩往往具有较好的储集物性.这类储层除保存较好的原生孔隙,还保存一定的与生物组构有关孔隙以及次生孔隙.混积岩储层主要经历了泥晶化、胶结作用、溶蚀作用及压实作用等成岩作用.准同生期泥晶化作用、早成岩期大气淡水淋滤作用和准同生期白云岩化作用是导致混积岩中优质储层形成的主控因素.包壳结构抑制了早期压实作用,有利于原生孔隙的保存;早期大气淡水淋滤产生大量的次生溶蚀孔隙.混积岩优质储层形成条件及其控制因素分析为混积岩优质储层的预测提供了有效的技术方法,并对陆相断陷湖盆中深层油气勘探具有重要的指导意义.Abstract: Mixed siliciclastic-carbonate reservoir is considered as one of new important high-quality reservoirs because giant hydrocarbon accumulations have continually been discovered in the continental rifting basin, which have attracted great interest of sedimentologist. This study investigates the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sediments in the first and second Member of the Shahejie Formation in the Bozhong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin. A combination of reservoir geological and geochemical research was used to reveal the characteristics and formation mechanisms of mixed siliciclastic-carbonate reservoirs. The results show that and bioclastic-dominated mixed rocks represent the high-quality property of reservoirs since they do not only preserve a great amount of primary pores, but also preserved an amount of primary pores with organic matter fabrics or associated secondary pores. The main diagenesis recognized in the mixed sediment reservoirs are micritization, cementation, dissolution and compaction. The micritization and precipitation of ctenoid dolomite during penecontemporaneous stage, together with meteoric dissolution during the early diagenetic period are the two key elements to form high-quality reservoirs. The micritic crusts effectively resisted the compaction, preserving high amount of primary porosity. Moreover, secondary pores were well generated by meteoric dissolution. This study on the formation conditions and controlling factors of excellent reservoirs of mixed sediment would not only provide an effective technique for the prediction of high-quality reservoirs, but also facilitate the hydrocarbon exploration at the medium-deep depth in the continental rifting basin.
图 3 以陆源碎屑为主的混积岩沉积特征
a.含生物碎屑砂岩, 生屑零散分布于细砂颗粒之间, 生物体只见残余体腔孔隙(白色三角标记); b.含生屑砂岩镜下特征, 生屑(橙色箭头)与细砂碎屑共存, 生物碎屑被溶蚀后见大量铸模孔隙(渤中29-4-A井, 2351.27 m, 单偏光); c.含生物碎屑砾岩, 生物碎屑与细砾碎屑共存.生物碎屑只见残余体腔孔(绿色箭头); d.含生物碎屑砂岩中泄水构造(深黄色箭头)及泥砾(淡黄色箭头); e.含生物碎屑砾岩底部冲刷结构(白色虚线)及滞留沉积(粉色箭头), 向上为块状构造的河道充填物; f.含生物碎屑细砂岩中底部冲刷结构(白色虚线)及滞留沉积(粉色箭头), 向上过渡为含层理的河道充填物(橙色箭头)
Fig. 3. Sedimentary features of siliciclastic-dominated mixed rocks
图 9 渤海海域混积岩主要成岩作用类型
a.泥晶化作用形成厚度不均一的包壳结构, 可发现单圈层(黄色箭头)或者多圈层结构(粉红色箭头); b.等厚环边状白云石胶结, 胶结物呈等厚状栉壳状分布于泥晶包壳外侧(白色箭头); c.方解石连晶胶结; d.粉晶粒状白云石胶结物(粉色箭头), 分布于第一期等厚环边胶结物之外或颗粒之间的孔隙中; e.栉壳状粗晶状白云石胶结物(红色箭头); f.铁方解石胶结物充填孔隙或交代颗粒, 染色后在镜下呈紫红色(深黄色); g.准同生-早成岩期选择性溶蚀作用形成的陆源碎屑粒模孔(棕红色箭头)及埋藏期后非选择性的溶蚀形成的白云石晶间溶蚀孔(绿色箭头); h.压实作用造成颗粒组构的变形或挠曲(淡紫色箭头)及裂缝(深灰色)
Fig. 9. Major diagenetic types of mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sediment in the offshore Bohai
表 1 渤海海域优质储层岩性相沉积环境及储层空间类型
Table 1. Summary of petrophysical analysis, showing the depositional environment, primary and subordinate reserving space of main excellent petrofacies in the offshore Bohai Sea
岩性相分类 岩性相 典型相识别标志 沉积环境解释 主要储层空间类型 次要储层空间类型 其他 原生孔隙 次生孔隙 原生孔隙 次生孔隙 以陆源碎屑为主的混积岩岩性相 含生物碎屑砂岩相 块状层理; 泥砾; 泄水构造、滑塌变形等 滨岸 粒间孔、残余原生粒间孔 粒模孔、晶间溶蚀孔 粒间孔 粒内溶蚀孔 裂缝 块状层理为主, 少量波状层理; 无冲刷-充填构造 滨岸 粒间孔、残余原生粒间孔 — — 铸模孔、晶间溶蚀孔 — 含水平/波状层理; 冲刷-充填构造 辫状河三角洲前缘 粒间孔、残余原生粒间孔 铸模孔 — 晶间溶蚀孔 — 含生物碎屑砾岩/砂砾岩相 砾质碎屑颗粒支撑或碎屑-杂基支撑结构; 冲刷-充填构造 扇三角洲前缘、近岸水下扇中扇 粒间孔、残余原生粒间孔 铸模孔、体腔孔、晶间溶蚀孔 — 粒内溶蚀孔 裂缝 以生物碎屑为主的混积岩岩性相 陆源碎屑质生物碎屑白云岩相 生物碎屑破碎; 陆源碎屑含量高; 少量波状层理 滨岸 残余原生粒间孔 铸模孔、体腔孔 — — — 含砂屑生物碎屑白云岩相 生物体保存相对完整, 含量高; 陆源碎屑颗粒含量较低 生物丘 原生粒间孔 铸模孔、体腔孔 — 晶间溶蚀孔 裂缝 表 2 渤海海域优质储层岩性相储层物理性质及孔隙结构参数
Table 2. Statistical summary of petrophysical analysis, showing the parameters of porosity and permeability and MICP test of main excellent petrofacies in the offshore Bohai
岩性相 以陆源碎屑为主的混积岩岩性相 以生物碎屑为主的混积岩岩性相 块状含生物碎屑砂岩相 含层理含生物碎屑砂岩相 含生物碎屑砾岩相 陆源碎屑质生物碎屑云岩相 含砂屑生物碎屑云岩相 岩心测试 孔隙度(%) 7.7~28.7(20) 6.8~34.6(19.6) 7.8~25.2(14.9) 8.7~40.1(29.5) 20.8~28.8(24.4) 渗透率(10-3 μm2) 0.1~340.1(30.3) 0.02~115.5(13.38) 0.2~767.5(44.8) 0.1~2350.4(499.1) 0.73~54.4(24.8) 样品数 82 55 77 139 4 压汞测试 排驱压力(MPa) 0.04~2.40(0.47) 0.08~13(2.50) 0.89~1.19(1.04) 无数据 0.01~0.81(0.20) 中值压力(MPa) 0.80~19.57(4.49) 1.33~42.49(9.13) 14.24~24.13(19.18) 0.12~18.90(3.56) 中值压力半径(μm) 0.04~0.92(0.26) 0.02~0.55(0.34) 0.03~0.05(0.04) 0.04~6.11(1.15) 分选系数 1.13~3.51(2.42) 0.50~2.87(2.16) 1.46~1.56(1.51) 0.11~0.38(0.21) 退汞效率(%) 10.02~33.08(26.49) 24.97~36.12(29.67) 29.71~34.36(32.04) 8.68~64.80(34.39) 样品数 21 9 2 12 表 3 泥晶包壳电子探针测试数据
Table 3. Data of micritic envelopes tested by scanning electron microscope
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